
Scars are area of fibrous tissues that replace normal skin (or other tissues) after injury. With the exceptions of very minor lesions, every wound (e.g. after accident, disease or surgery) results in some degree of scarring.


  • Scars can never be completely removed; there will always be a trace.
  • Injections: Steroid injections have been used in scar treatment.
  • Topical treatments: Silicone gel sheets flatten and soften raised scars if worn regularly.
  • Chemical peels: Using glycolic acid can be used to minimize acne scarring.
  • Dermabrasion used for raised scars. But it is less effective when the scar is sunken below the surrounding skin.
  • Collagen injections used to raise sunken scars to the level of surrounding skin.
  • Laser and resurfacing: the redness of scars may be reduced by treatment with a vascular laser. Fractional lasers were recently FDA approved for the treatment of acne scars.
  • Surgery: Scars, such as acne scars, can be cut out and stitch up; a process called scar revision.
Khashayar toodehfallah oct 7th at 10:50 am
thanks for the comment (: you have a strong body of work as well
Khashayar toodehfallah oct 7th at 10:50 am
thanks for the comment (: you have a strong body of work as well